
Extracting WhatsApp messages from an iOS backup

Have you ever been interested in how Apple saves the iOS backup files and how you can extract particular files from a backup? In this article, I will show you the different encryptions involved in creating an iOS backup, how to decrypt the data, and how to extract WhatsApp chats from an iOS backup.

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Reverse Engineering Nike Run Club Android App Using Frida

After using apktool for reverse-engineering android apps I learned about Frida. Ever wondered how you can use Frida to snoop around Android apps? Learn how to do that in this step-by-step tutorial where we take a look at the Nike Run Club app.

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Let's Reverse Engineer an Android App!

I had always wondered how Android apps are reverse engineered. If you have ever wondered the same then this article will guide you through the whole process. We will be unpacking, modifying, repacking, and installing an Android APK.

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