
Interesting Python Tutorials

Hi there folks! I have read some interesting Python tutorials lately. I would love to share them with you. Without any further ado let me list them over here:

1. Composing Music With Recurrent Neural Networks

I loved this tutorial. It is a bit old but still worth a read. The author has explained the theory behind his implementation. You will enjoy this tutorial if you are interested in signal processing, machine learning and/or music.

2. Page dewarping using OpenCV

This was an interesting read. I am not well versed in computer vision but still loved to read the theory behind the dewarping of an image of a curled page. The author does a great job at explaining the whole process and the algorithms used.

3. 10 Interesting Python Modules to learn in 2016

This is a good compilation of some of the famous Python libraries and modules. I have personally used almost all of them. I am linking this here because not only does this article lists the modules but because it also provides sample code for the specific module being discussed.

4. Modern face recognition with Deep Learning

This article shows how modern face recognition works. The author takes you from isolating a face from an image to predicting which person does that face belong to. I learned a lot of new stuff from this tutorial. For instance, I had no idea what the HOG algorithm did before I read this tutorial.

5. How to score 0.8134 in Titanic Kaggle Challenge

This was a highly informative read. I learned the basic workflow of a data scientist. The author does a great job of teaching you the basics of data science. He starts from exploratory data analysis of the data-set and ends with hyper parameter tuning of his predictive models.

I hope you will enjoy reading these articles. If there is anything you would like to ask me just know that I am only an email away. I reply to most of the emails I get. Even if you want to discuss any freelancing opportunity just hit me up.

Till next time!



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