
10 python blogs worth following

Hi there fellow programmers. I remember those days when i started learning python. I was always eager to find new blogs about python but found just a handful of them. This is one of the reason i started this blog. To spread my knowledge about python to other fellow coders. Today i am going to try to provide you 10 links to different python blogs that are worth following. By that i mean they are regularly updated and have useful info. So here’s the list:

  • The first one is Planet python undoubtedly one of the most famous python blogs out there. Go check it out. I hope you will find it helpful. It was last updated today.

  • The second blog is lucumr. The home of the developer of flask (a python micro web framework).

  • The third blog is love-python. I don’t know how i stumbled over it but i really like this blog as it has a lot of useful info and code snippets.

  • The fourth blog is of Doug Hellmann. He is the one behind PYMOTW (Python Module Of The Week). This blog covers a lot of python libraries. If you are searching for some new useful python libraries then go check this out.

  • The next blog is Coder Who Says Py. It’s a nice blog. Although it’s not regularly updated but still you will find some helpful info in there.

  • The sixth blog is effbot. Full of helpful info, code snippets and everything else you can expect from a python blog. Go check it out before it’s too late.

  • The seventh blog is of the writer of “Two Scoops Of Django”. It is pydanny. This is mainly about django but still a lot can be learned from this blog.

  • The next blog is of Al Sweigat. He is the writer of numerous python books including his latest book “Hacking Secret Ciphers With Python”.

  • The ninth blog is this blog on which you currently are. This is your all in one guide to python.

  • The last blog is one of the most useful blog which got me up to speed with python. It is called Mouse Vs Python.

I hope you liked today’s post and i am sure i helped you out of your frustration of finding good python blogs. Do share your views in the comments below and if you think that i have missed a blog then put it in the comments as well.



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✍️ Comments


A reblogué ceci sur Quantum Post.

Eko S. Wibowo

You were right about Python Planet. A truly amazing aggregator site. I also starting to blog for a Python blog here :

Currently writing series of Python Flask article.

Python is such an amazing language to work with!

Captain Dead Bones (@CptDeadBones)

Just thought I should toss mine in the hat,



Hello, I am working on CrocToy project, which is a big robotic toy with artificial intellect, a mix of an animal and a 3-4 years old kid. After the research on possible main functionality, I decide to use Python as a programming platform. I am looking for help in developing the entire architecture or at least the main functionality modules:

  • text-to-speech synthesizer
  • voice recognition
  • use xbox to maintain a “vision”, simple object distancing and recognition functions
  • use Python to move (program) servo motors Having a limited programming skills, I am looking for much of help or perhaps someone is interested to get over of programming part of CrocToy’s project. Question is how to let know about my project to as many programmers as possible? If it helps, I can prepare a short overview of my project. Thank you, sorry for imperfect English, Andrew PS I may have troubles of follow answers to my post, please use my e-mail: Thank you, Andrew

Developers League

I am a new to Python and I have a strong wish to learn it , Thank you author for positing this list of blogs and helping me to learn python in a better way . Thank you once again.


Jan Stoker

Good list of blogs. These are definitely worth following, I especially like effbot.

In reply to Jan Stoker

I am glad that you found them helpful. :)


Another good Blog on Python Programs


Reblogged this on Diary of an ADHD fellow.


A very good list of Python blogs indeed and truly informational. One of really good python related blog is to provide Python tutorials and quizzes on various topics.

Jean-Mark Wright

Great list of options. I like Pydanny’s blog alot.

Jean-Mark Wright

Great list of blogs! Saving this for reference later.


Hi, That was a great list of Blogs you gave.

And just though i Could share mine on python development services,


Thanks for sharing the information about the Python and keep updating us.This information is really useful to me.

Divakar LN

surely you have helped us to find such a nice python blog in one place, its very good list thank you

Mark from FavTutor

The best way to learn python is by challenging and making projects. Also, for a great programmer, learning for regular blogs is also important. This is a great list for that Purpose. Keep it up!

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