
Running Staticman on Hugo Blog With Nested Comments

Hi everyone! πŸ‘‹ After transitioning to a static blog/website, I had one problem. My blog no longer had comments functionality. Yes, I could have used Disqus but I personally hate it. It is bloated with a lot of unwanted code. I did some search a while ago but couldn’t find anything. I did a more serious search a couple of weeks ago and stumbled upon staticman and holy moly it is the best thing ever!

Staticman allowed me to integrate comments in my blog for free and also style them in any way I want! However, setting up staticman wasn’t a walk in the park. In this post, I will list all the steps required to setup staticman on a static blog. I am going to be using Hugo for this post as my blog is based on Hugo.

Step 1: Getting a static blog up and running

This should be fairly easy. Chances are that if you are reading this post then you already have a static blog. I am hosting my blog on a combination of GitHub + Netlify. I push updates on GitHub and Netlify builds the HTML files upon each push. I will not go into too much details because the official Hugo website have some good docs.

Step 2: Creating a new GitHub account

So the way staticman works is that it submits a pull request for each comment submitted. For that, it is a lot safer to create a new GitHub account and give it permissions to access your blog repo only, rather than giving it access to everything on GitHub. This way even if it gets compromised, only one repo will be affected.

Let’s imagine this new account is called yasoob-blog (because that is exactly what mine is called. Once you have made that account, give it access to your repo from your parent account. For example, my blog’s source code is stored in a repo called personal_blog. I will go to the settings page of my repo and add yasoob-blog as a collaborator.

Next step is to generate access keys for yasoob-blog so that you can use this account via the API. In order to do that you need to go to the settings page of your GitHub account.

GitHub settings page

Click on developer settings and then on personal access tokens.

GitHub developer settings

Now generate a new token and give it repo access.

GitHub Access tokens

Copy the generated tokens and save them somewhere. We will be needing them shortly.

Step 3: Setting up Staticman on Heroku

The public instance of Staticman was getting rate-limited recently so I decided to set up my own instance on Heroku. + It is easy and free to set up so why not?

Clone the staticman repo in your computer:

$ git clone

Now create a config.production.json file and add the following contents in it:

  "githubToken": process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN,
  "rsaPrivateKey": JSON.stringify(process.env.RSA_PRIVATE_KEY),
  "port": 8080

I don’t know if the port is required or not but it doesn’t hurt to leave it there. You can try running it without the port and let me know in the comments whether it worked or not.

Let’s make sure our .gitignore isn’t ignoring this file (it is set to ignore all the config file by default). Add this line in the .gitignore file in the root of the cloned repo:


The ! tells git to ignore the ignore rules for this file and actually add it into git. Think of it as whitelisting ignores.

Now create another file with the name of Procfile in the root of this cloned repo and add this to it:

web: npm start

Next step is to actually create a Heroku app and upload this code up there. We can do that by first logging into Heroku via the command-line and creating the app:

$ heroku login
$ heroku create <app_name>

You should replace <app_name> with something different.

You might have observed that in our config.production.json file we wrote process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN and process.env.RSA_PRIVATE_KEY. These lines are instructing staticman to take these values from the environment variable. This is important because we don’t want to actually commit our token and RSA key in git. So now let’s actually update the environment variables on Heroku to actually reflect this.

heroku config:set GITHUB_TOKEN="*******"

Replace ******* with the actual token you generated in the previous step. We also need to generate a private key for staticman to encrypt stuff with:

$ openssl genrsa -out key.pem

And now let’s put this key in an environment variable on Heroku as well:

$ heroku config:set RSA_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat ./key.pem)"

The only thing left to push everything onto Heroku is to actually commit this code. Let’s do that:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "added code for release"
$ git push heroku 

This should give some output from Heroku and should mention in the end that the app has been deployed.

Step 4: Adding staticman.yml to Hugo

Now we need to create a new file called staticman.yml in the root of our actual blog repo. This is used by staticman for configuration purposes and to actually keep track of which fields should be allowed in the form.

My staticman.yml file looks like this:

    - name
    - email
    - website
    - comment
    - reply_to
  branch: master
  commitMessage: "New comment in {options.slug}"
  filename: "comment-{@timestamp}"
  format: yaml
        format: iso8601
      type: date
  moderation: true
  path: "data/comments/{options.slug}"
    - name
    - email
    - comment
    email: md5

This is super simple and tells staticman to do a couple of things. It tells it where to put the comment data (data/comments/{options.slug} in this case), which fields are allowed and which ones from among them are required. I have also turned on moderation because spam is a real issue. I need to manually moderate the comments. I have added a reply_to field as well. This is going to be used when we implement nested comments.

After creating this file, we need to create data/comments folder in the root of our blog repo as well. Once you do that, create a .keep file in there so that git knows to add that empty folder in version control.

Now stage your changes, commit them and push them:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "added staticman.yml and data/comments folder"
$ git push origin master

Step 5: Adding Comment Partials in Hugo Theme

Now the next step is to actually create the partials which will display the comments. Create a partials/comments.html file in your theme’s layout folder and add the following text in it:

{{ if and .Site.Params.staticman (not (or .Site.Params.disable_comments .Params.disable_comments)) }}
    <section id="comments">
        {{ if .Site.Params.staticman }}
        <h3 class="title"><a href="#comments">&#9997; Comments</a></h3>
        <section class="staticman-comments post-comments">
            {{ $comments := readDir "data/comments" }}
            {{ $.Scratch.Add "hasComments" 0 }}
            {{ $postSlug := .File.BaseFileName }}
            {{ range $comments }}
            {{ if eq .Name $postSlug }}
                {{ $.Scratch.Add "hasComments" 1 }}
                {{ range $index, $comments := (index $.Site.Data.comments $postSlug ) }}
                    {{ if not .reply_to }}
                    <div id="commentid-{{ ._id }}" class="post-comment">
                        <div class="post-comment-header">
                        <img class="post-comment-avatar" src="{{     .email }}?s=70&r=pg&d=identicon">
                            <p class="post-comment-info">
                                <span class="post-comment-name">{{ .name }}</span>
                                <a href="#commentid-{{ ._id }}" title="Permalink to this comment">
                                <time class="post-time">{{ dateFormat "Monday, Jan 2, 2006 at     15:04 MST" .date }}</time>
                        <div class="comment-message">
                            {{ .comment | markdownify }}
                        <div class="comment__reply">
                        <button id="{{ ._id }}" class="btn-info" href="#comment-form" onclick="changeValue('fields[reply_to]', '{{ ._id }}')">Reply to {{ .name     }}</button>
                {{ partial "comment-replies" (dict "entryId_parent" $postSlug "SiteDataComments_parent" $.Site.Data.comments "parentId" ._id "parentName" .name     "context" .) }}
                    {{ end }}
            {{ end }}
        {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

        <form id="comment-form" class="post-new-comment" method="post" action="{{ .Site.Params.staticman.endpoint }}/{{ .Site.Params.staticman.username }}/{{ .Site.Params.staticman.repository }}/{{ .Site.Params.staticman.branch }}/comments">
            {{ if eq ($.Scratch.Get "hasComments") 0 }}
                <p>Be the first to leave a comment! πŸŽ‰</p>
            {{ end }}
            <h3 class="prompt">Say something</h3>
            <input type="hidden" name="options[redirect]" value="{{ .Permalink }}#comment-submitted">
            <input type="hidden" name="options[slug]" value="{{ .File.BaseFileName }}">
            <input type="text" name="fields[name]" class="post-comment-field" placeholder="Name *" required/>
            <input type="email" name="fields[email]" class="post-comment-field" placeholder="Email address (will not be public) *" required/>
            <input type="hidden" id="comment-parent" name="fields[reply_to]" value="">
            <textarea name="fields[comment]" class="post-comment-field" placeholder="Comment (markdown is accepted) *" required rows="10"></textarea>
            <input type="submit" class="post-comment-field btn btn-primary comment-buttons" value="Submit">

    <div id="comment-submitted" class="dialog">
        <h3>Thank you!</h3>
        <p>Your comment has been submitted and will be published once it has been approved. &#128522;</p>

        <p><a href="#" class="btn btn-primary comment-buttons ok">OK</a></p>

    {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Now create a partials/comment-replies.html file and add the following text to it:

{{ range $index, $comments := (index $.SiteDataComments_parent $.entryId_parent ) }}
  {{ if eq .reply_to $.parentId }}
    <div id="commentid-{{ ._id }}" class="post-comment reply">
        <div class="arrow-up"></div>
        <div class="post-comment-header">
            <img class="post-comment-avatar" src="{{ .email }}?s=70&r=pg&d=identicon">
            <p class="post-comment-info">
                <span class="post-comment-name">{{ .name }}<br><i><small>In reply to {{ $.parentName }}</i></small></span>
                <a href="#commentid-{{ ._id }}" title="Permalink to this comment">
                    <time class="post-time">{{ dateFormat "Monday, Jan 2, 2006 at 15:04 MST" .date }}</time>
        <div class="comment-message">
            {{ .comment | markdownify }}
        <div class="comment__reply">
            <button id="{{ ._id }}" class="btn-info" href="#comment-form" onclick="changeValue('fields[reply_to]', '{{ $.parentId }}')">Reply to thread</button>
  {{ end }}
{{ end }}

Now go to _default/single.html or whichever template you use to render a blog-post and add this code somewhere (depends on where you actually want to render the comments):

{{ partial "comments.html" .}}

My single.html file looks like this:

{{ partial "header.html" . }}
    <main role="main" class="single-main">
        <article class="single" itemscope itemtype="">
            <h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="headline">{{ .Title | emojify}}</h1>
            <span class="entry-meta">
                {{ if not (.Params.showthedate) }}
                <time itemprop="datePublished" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}">{{ .Date.Format "January 02, 2006" }}</time>
            <section itemprop="entry-text">
                {{ .Content }}
                   {{ partial "tags.html" .}}
            {{ partial "related.html" .}}
            {{ partial "comments.html" .}}

{{ partial "footer.html" . }}

Next step is to actually style the comments. You can keep it clean or go as crazy as you want. I will leave the styling to you. You can find some CSS in one of the posts I have linked in the sources section at the end of this post. If you want inspiration from a terrible designer then you can also open the developer tools and examine this very page πŸ˜„

Now go to your config.toml file in the root of your blog repo and add the following text under the [params] section:

    endpoint = ""
    username = "your_username"
    repository = "your_blog_repo"
    branch = "master"

Replace the app_name in endpoint with the URL of your Heroku app. Replace your_username with your actual GitHub username and your_blog_repo with the name of your blog repo. For instance, if your blog is located at then your username is going to be awesome-man and your repository is going to be best-blog.

Let’s commit and push this to GitHub:

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "added partials and config changes"
$ git push

After your first push with the config file, you can actually test the changes locally before pushing again:

$ hugo serve

The first push is required to put the config file in GitHub so that staticman can read it.

Step 6: Nested Comments

Nested comments should be working as it is. In the partials you copied above, the nested comments functionality is automatically enabled. You just need to add one more change. Add this to your js file used by your blog/website:

function changeValue(elementName, newValue){
  window.location.hash = "#comment-form";

This will populate the reply_to field of your form based on which comment you are trying to comment to. After you push this one last change on GitHub everything should be working fine.


I encountered one issue during this process. For some reason staticman was not working correctly and was giving me this error:

2019-06-21T22:39:02.405127+00:00 app[web.1]: Error: Require an `oauthToken` or `token` option
2019-06-21T22:39:02.405145+00:00 app[web.1]: at new GitHub (/app/lib/GitHub.js:49:13)
2019-06-21T22:39:02.405146+00:00 app[web.1]: at module.exports (/app/controllers/connect.js:12:18)
2019-06-21T22:39:02.405152+00:00 app[web.1]: at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)
2019-06-21T22:39:02.405154+00:00 app[web.1]: at next (/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:137:13)
2019-06-21T22:39:02.405156+00:00 app[web.1]: at /app/server.js:130:12
2019-06-21T22:39:02.405157+00:00 app[web.1]: at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/app/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5)

In order to fix this, I had to edit the staticman/lib/GitHub.js file and edit one if condition from this:

if (options.oauthToken) {
    type: 'oauth',
    token: options.oauthToken
} else if (isLegacyAuth) {
    type: 'token',
    token: config.get('githubToken')
} else if (isAppAuth) {
  this.authentication = this._authenticate(
} else {
  throw new Error('Require an `oauthToken` or `token` option')

to this:

if (isLegacyAuth) {
    type: 'token',
    token: config.get('githubToken')
} else if (options.oauthToken) {
    type: 'oauth',
    token: options.oauthToken
} else if (isAppAuth) {
  this.authentication = this._authenticate(
} else {
  throw new Error('Require an `oauthToken` or `token` option')

Another error I encountered was:


This was because I hadn’t created the data/comments directory. Make sure you have that directory with an empty .keep file in it.

After these change, everything started working again. The one thing I did not cover in this tutorial is email notifications for follow-up comments. I will cover them once I implement them in this blog. Till then you can follow the link in the sources section below. One of them teaches you how to implement that.

I wrote most of this article from memory. If you get any error please write a comment below and I will happily update the post.

Till next time! ❀️

Edit: Vin100 made some remarks about some of the issues I shared in this article. Make sure to check out his comment!

My blog is now open source. You can look at how I have implemented this here.


πŸ‘‰ Hugo + Staticman: Nested Replies and E-mail Notifications

πŸ‘‰ Hugo with Staticman Commenting and Subscriptions

πŸ‘‰ Config GitLab Repo for Staticman



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✍️ Comments


This is just a test for staticman comments 😊 Maybe some markdown? Look at this code:

import sys


Oh this is cool!

In reply to Enrique

Let’s try a nested comment? Dang it looks nice! ❀️

In reply to Enrique

Let’s try commenting in a thread!

In reply to Enrique

Just testing nested

In reply to Enrique

testing nested comments

In reply to Enrique

testing comments, sorry ;)


Let’s do one more comment cause why not?

In reply to Harry

Let’s try replying to Harry :)


Just made the repo private. Would the comments still work?


This is just to test if my update to staticman broke something or not


Testing email notifications for emails

In reply to Yasoob

Would email notification work now?


Testing email notifications


Testing email notifications again.


Will Yasoob get a notification now?


I just verified my mailgun domain πŸ˜…

In reply to Brendan

Let’s try a nested comment

In reply to Brendan

just another test

In reply to Brendan

Hi Yasoob, I did all your said, but when I open the application in heroku, I get an “Application Error” problem. Can you help me?

In reply to Brendan

Hey Atahan!

I am not super well-versed in the internals of Staticman. So sorry :(

Vin100 Tam
In reply to Brendan

Hi Atahan, You’re using the GitHub Apps version of Staticman? Note that this article describe the procedures for the legacy authentication method. You may create an issue in Staticman’s official repo to get response from other users.

In reply to Brendan


make sure that you have correct RSA_PRIVATE_KEY if you are using windows do not use $(cat key.pem)

Xin Zhang

Where did you put your source files? I couldn’t find it on your repository. I want to learn how to make the background in nested comment :)

In reply to Xin Zhang

Hey Xin! The current blog source is not open source for now. The repo you linked to is pretty old :) The current version is hosted on Netlify and makes use of a private repo. If there is anything specific you want to know I can share the code for that.

In reply to Xin Zhang

Hi Xin, You can use any modern web browser’s developer’s tools to extract the relevant CSS rules.

Vin100 Tam

Your article deserves a static comment. However, as the author of the last article in the Sources, I’ve found some rooms of improvements for your guide.

  1. Staticman’s v3 URL scheme has been available since eduardoboucas/staticman#219. Your guide is still using the v2 URL scheme /v2/entry/.... You might want to update your guide to that, so as to cover GitLab Pages as well.

  2. When I wrote my self-hosting guide (another related article to the one that you linked) last year, I’ve put "port": 8080. In fact, that’s unless since Heroku designates dynamically the port number. I’ve just edited my article to remove that API parameter.

  3. The creation of .gitkeep can be avoided if you use .Site.Data.comments instead of readDir "data/comments". Related discussion in above linked Staticman PR:

  4. You’re mixing JS code with HTML in your Go-HTML template code for the reply button. This doesn’t comply with the pratice of separation of concerns.

    <button id="{{ ._id }}" class="btn-info" href="#comment-form" onclick="changeValue('fields[reply_to]', '{{ $.parentId }}')">Reply to thread</button>

    For a pure JS + Go-HTML (without jQuery) template of nested comment reply, you may take a look at Hugo Swift Theme’s assets/js/*.js and layouts/partials/comments*.html.

P.S. I’m a collaborator of the aforementioned Hugo theme.

In reply to Vin100 Tam

Hi Vin100! Thank you so much for such a detailed response. I will update the post to point to this comment.


I have locale date inside partials/comments.html

{{ $date := .date }}
{{ (time $date).Day }}                            
{{ $month := (time $date).Month }}
{{ index $.Site.Data.month (printf "%d" $bulan) | humanize }},
{{ (time $date).Year }}

but somehow the code doesn’t work well in partials/comment-replies.html the result was <index $.Site.Data.bulan (printf "%d" $bulan)>: error calling index: index of untyped nil

i’m not realy sure but maybe i have to add something in {{ partial "single/jurnal/comment-replies" (dict ....

any idea?

In reply to Yudy

Hi Yudy,

I don’t know what might be causing that but my old setup is still working perfectly fine :/

Sorry for not being of much help.

Siddhartha Banerjee

I am getting this error: { success: false, errorCode: “INVALID_VERSION” }

When I use the url and cannot seem to get it working.


Howdy, Yasoob. I have a question regarding which account you are logged into (in GitHub) when you generate the personal access token. Are you logged into the blog_repo itself, or the newly created yasoob_blog account when you click ‘generate token’?


Hi Yasoob,

Thank you very much for this detailed tutorial!!

I’m trying to implement static comments on my jekyll blog. I followed your recipe, but using the v3 version of staticman. I’m getting the same error as you did when trying to submit a comment:

(node:24) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Require an `oauthToken` or `token` option at /app/lib/GitHub.js:33:15

Although the GitHub.js code has changed slightly, I still tried to change the order of the if statements, but to no avail. Do you have any clue of what else could be going wrong?

Thanks again!


test comment


Good Job Guy ! I test your form.


I came here searching for a solution to the error

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Require an `oauthToken` or `token` option

I found some more details here which might help others.


test comment


test comment

Michael Scepaniak

Thank you for writing this! I make use of Staticman with an Eleventy-generated site instead of Hugo, but this was still helpful.


This seems very promising, thank you.

TuαΊ₯n Nguyα»…n

test comment


Nice post.


This is a test comment.

Say something

Send me an email when someone comments on this post.

Thank you!

Your comment has been submitted and will be published once it has been approved. 😊